Urbo Studio
Terms & Conditions for use of URBO Pay

1.General points

1.1. These terms and conditions (Terms) govern the rights and obligations under which URBO Studio Clients may access and use the payment and payment processing services provided by UPASS JSC, UIC: 207327088 (UPASS, the Company, We), known as “URBOPay”.

1.2. Business customer and/or Customer is any company and/or natural person that provides services and/or sells entrances and tickets for events, attractions, activities and others to its end customers and uses the functionalities of URBO Studio in its daily business activity under the conditions , described in these General Terms and Conditions.

1.3. Provider of payment services (Provider) – banking and non-banking institutions, according to the Law on Credit Institutions and the Law on Payment Services and Payment Systems.

1.4. A service is the provision of access by UPASS and the use of functionalities related to the payment of services and events provided by Business customers.

1.5. UPASS has concluded commercial contracts for online payments and/or payments at the cash register with a number of payment service providers on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and the European Union.

1.6. UPASS provides software technology that enables every Business customer to receive payments for their services (URBOPay). Payments can be made through one or more of the methods and providers with which UPASS has established technological integrations and concluded commercial contracts for accepting and processing payments.

1.7. UPASS makes it possible to pay for services to a Business client by integrating its own virtual POS terminal with a selected payment service provider and/or through commercial relationships, cash registers and virtual POS terminals owned by UPASS.

1.8. To use the services listed above, the Business Customer acknowledges that it is familiar with and agrees to these Terms.

2. Use of payment methods
2.1. UPASS has technical integration and commercial relationships with the following payment operators:

  • “First Investment Bank” JSC, registered in the Commercial Register of the Republic of Bulgaria with UIC 831094393 (FIB). Information on the General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy and Data Protection Rules of FIB can be found on FIB’s website (fibank.bg).
  • “EPAY” JSC, registered in the Trade Register of the Republic of Bulgaria with UIC 131409398 (Epay). Information on the General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy and Data Protection Rules of Epay can be found on the company’s website (https://www.epay.bg).
  • “EASYPAY” JSC, registered in the Trade Register of the Republic of Bulgaria with UIC 131344648 (EasyPay). Information on the General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy and Data Protection Rules of EasyPay can be found on the company’s website (https://www.easypay.bg/).
  • “Borica” JSC, registered in the Commercial Register of the Republic of Bulgaria with UIC 201230426 (Borica). Information on the General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy and Data Protection Rules of Borica can be found on the company’s website (https://www.borica.bg/).
  • “DSK Bank” JSC, registered in the Commercial Register of the Republic of Bulgaria with UIC 121830616 (DSK). Information on the General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy and Data Protection Rules of DSK can be found on the company’s website (https://dskbank.bg/).
  • “TBI Bank” JSC, registered in the Commercial Register of the Republic of Bulgaria with UIC 131134023 (TBI). Information on TBI’s General Terms and Conditions and Privacy and Data Protection Rules can be found on the company’s website (https://tbibank.bg).
  • Stripe, Inc. registered in the territory of San Francisco, USA under company number US22939338 (Stripe). Information on Stripe’s Terms and Conditions and Privacy and Data Protection Policy can be found on the company’s website (https://stripe.com).
  • VIVA PAYMENT SERVICES SINGLE MEMBER S.A., registered on the territory of the Republic of Greece with TIN 997671771 (Vivawallet). Information on Vivawallet’s Terms and Conditions and Privacy and Data Protection Policy can be found on the company’s website (https://vivawallet.com).
  • “NewPay” JSC, registered in the Commercial Register of the Republic of Bulgaria with UIC 206470432 (NewPay). Information about NewPay’s General Terms and Conditions and Privacy and Data Protection Rules can be found on the company’s website (https://newpay.bg/).
  • “FAST PAY HD” JSC, registered in the Commercial Register of the Republic of Bulgaria with UIC 202200392 (FastPay). Information on FastPay’s General Terms and Conditions and Privacy and Data Protection Rules can be found on the company’s website (https://fastpay.bg/).

    2.2. When choosing the relevant payment service provider that the Business Client wishes to use, the same also agrees to the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy of the Provider.

    2.3. For the use of URBOPay payment services, the Customer shall:
  • agrees to provide UPASS with accurate and complete information about their business; and
  • gives its irrevocable and unconditional consent for UPASS to share the business information and any other information necessary for carrying out transactions related to the use of the payment processing services with the relevant Provider and all other entities, according to the Provider’s requirements for the purposes of providing the Services.

    III. Restrictions on business activity

    3.1. The Customer agrees that he will not use the URBOPay Services in the event that his commercial activity falls into the list of prohibited or restricted activities for using the payment services of the relevant Provider.

    3.2. When accessing and using URBOPay, the Customer guarantees that its business activity does not fall on the list of prohibited or restricted activities of the relevant Provider.

    3.3. In the event that the Customer is not sure whether his commercial activity is restricted or prohibited from using the payment service of the relevant Supplier, he is obliged to make the relevant checks with the Supplier.

    1.Fees and repayment periods

    4.1. UPASS provides access to the URBOPay Services against payment of a fee specified in the commercial contract with the Client and depending on the chosen method of collecting the funds (using the payment channels and accounts of UPASS or using own payment accounts).

    4.2. When using own payment accounts and terminals, the Provider automatically deducts all agreed transaction and payment processing fees, without deduction, set-off or delay.

    4.3. All fees to UPASS related to payment processing are paid:
  • When using their own payment accounts and terminals, the Customer pays the agreed fee to UPASS based on the provided payment protocol and issued accounting document, invoice.
  • When using UPASS payment accounts and terminals, the Client pays the due fees and commissions on the basis of a protocol provided by UPASS for reservations and payments and together with a duly issued accounting document, invoice, and the amount for these fees is deducted from the Client’s income.

    4.4. Unless otherwise agreed, UPASS pays the amounts paid to its Customers in the following way:
  • For past events, activities, attractions and other services provided by the Client – between the 1st and 10th of the calendar month following the month in which the service was provided. All amounts are paid after approval of the protocol by the Client.
  • For vouchers with a period of use of more than 1 month, as well as proceeds from online events/services that are not subject to return, between the 1st and the 10th of the calendar month following the month in which the payments were received.
  • All amounts are paid after approval of the acceptance-transmission protocol by the Client. The protocol is sent by UPASS together with an invoice for the deducted commission.

    4.5. All payments from UPASS are made to the bank account and according to the commercial and legal information specified in the contract between the two parties. The customer is obliged to immediately notify UPASS if any of the above circumstances change. UPASS is not responsible for errors in transfers to Customers that occurred as a result of changes in the bank account of which it was not notified.

    4.6. All cancellations and refunds to End Users that must be made after payment of the proceeds to the Customer relating to the service or event for which cancellation is requested shall be made by and at the expense of the Customer. Cancellations made in the period before payment of the receipts are carried out by UPASS, after written confirmation from the customer and are described in the protocol to the Customer.

    1.Tax and accounting obligations

    5.1. The Customer is solely and exclusively responsible for determining the taxes, if any, that apply to the sale of its goods and services and/or the payments it receives in connection with the use of URBOPay (Taxes). UPASS bears no responsibility for the calculation, collection, reporting or remittance of tax liabilities to the correct tax authority to which the Client is required to report.

    5.2. UPASS has the right to use the information from the transactions of its Customers, whose payments have gone through the Company’s payment accounts and terminals, for the preparation of its inquiries and reports to tax and other institutions.

    5.3. UPASS provides the Customer only with technology, and is not the provider of the service/event. As such, UPASS has no right to issue invoices and/or other accounting documents to end users. Issuing an accounting document to end users is the sole responsibility of the Business client, as the provider of the relevant service/event.