Urbo Studio
Technical Support Policy | URBO Studio

The provider ensures the following level of availability of the services it provides (“the services”) for the duration of the contract:


Communication channels with the Supplier for receiving Requests will be available


The supplier is available to provide services under item 3.


The services provided by the Provider are available (in full working order) 98% per month

(includes all days of the month – working and holidays from 00:00 – 23:59:59 hours.)


* Seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day

2.Service availability percentage is calculated based on minutes of service availability per calendar month. When calculating the percentage of availability of the services provided by the Provider, problems falling within the scope of Third Degree Priority Requests, as well as the following periods, are not taken into account:

The periods during which the Employer cannot use the services provided by the Provider due to a malfunction of its systems, and

The periods of interruption of the services provided by the Provider for carrying out planned technical maintenance agreed with the Contracting Authority.

3.The technical service (hereinafter “services under item 3”) to ensure the level of services provided by the Provider includes:

3.1. troubleshooting, deviations from the intended functionality, defects and/or errors in the services provided by the Provider, including but not limited to the components provided for use by or provided by the Provider with a view to fulfilling its obligations under the contract;

3.2. provision of technical assistance, optimization and/or modernization (update) or provision of a newer version, model, class of the components under item 3.1.;

3.3. providing consultations when carrying out activities related to the work, configuration and integration of the components under item 3.1, as well as in connection with the services provided by the Provider;

3.4. making system modifications, such as, but not limited to: improvement of programming practices, planned updates to the components under item 3.1, adjustments or corrections to the components under item 3.1, and/or functional corrections, such as, but not limited to, corrections related to with a change in normative or regulatory requirements; and

3.5. monitoring and analysis of the provided services, of the functioning of the components under item 3.1 and preparation and provision to the Contracting Authority of operational activity statistics, with the aim of improving configuration settings, ensuring continuous operability and practices for operational use of the provided services.

4.A request for provision of services under item 3. (hereinafter “Request”) is submitted by employees of the Contracting Authority and contains general information about the circumstances necessitating the provision of technical service.
4.1. The Request does not constitute an accurate and complete diagnosis of the circumstances necessitating the implementation of the services under item 3, and the Employer bears no responsibility, and the Supplier cannot be released from it, due to inaccurate information provided with the Request.

4.2. A request is submitted via the Provider’s Contact form for submitting Requests https://urbostudio.com/kontaktna-forma/ or e-mail, support@urbostudio.com

Insofar as the parties have not agreed otherwise, the services under item 3. are carried out on all days of the week – working and non-working days from 00:00 to 23:59:59, with the Supplier making every effort not to unnecessarily hinder the activity of the Employer or hindered in their implementation.
If doubts arise regarding the good faith of an employee of the Supplier, both on the part of the Supplier and at the request of the Contracting Authority, the Supplier undertakes to immediately replace him with another possessing the same or higher qualifications for performing the services under item 3.
The parties agree on three degrees of priority for the execution of Requests:
7.1. Priority First degree – cases in which the overall possibility of use by the Contracting Authority of the services is hindered, incl. but not only the components under item 3.1, or their important element, or cases where the security of the services provided, incl. but not only the components under item 3.1, has been violated or there is a risk of its violation;

7.2. Priority Second degree – cases in which the possibility of use by the Contracting Authority of a separate part of the services is prevented, incl. but not only the components under item 3.1, and their function;

7.3. Priority Third degree– cases of minor problems that do not prevent the normal use by the Contracting Authority of the services, incl. but not only the components under item 3.1, and execution of Service Requests outside the scope of First and Second Degree Priorities.

The time for the execution of Requests (provision of service) according to their priority is as follows:
8.1. Priority First degree – up to 2 hours, and this includes restoration of the possibility of use by the Contracting Authority of the services, including the correct operation of the components under item 3.1, by correcting a program error, providing a permanent or temporary solution restoring serviceability (workaround) or others, respectively by removing the security risk, respectively by removing the security breach and its consequences.

8.2. Priority Second degree – up to 8 hours, and this includes restoring the possibility of use by the Contracting Authority of the services, including the correct operation of the components under item 3.1, by correcting a program error, providing a permanent or temporary solution restoring the serviceability (workaround) or others.

8.3. Priority Third degree – up to 2 days.

9. All terms under points 8. run from receipt of the Request to the Supplier.

10. After performing the necessary services under item 3. The Supplier notifies the Contracting Authority by e-mail about the elimination of the technical problem.

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