MICE & Virtual Events

Don't give up! Do it better!

We’re presenting you the most advanced software to manage virtual and hybrid events from creation to access control.

Large companies
and small businesses


NPOs and governmental

culture and sport

Generate revenue also with closed doors

Stay connected to your customers by offering video content and/or live stream through our software for mice & virtual events. Upload and manage your video content easily and quickly - multiple options for limiting access on an email, IP, paid or free access, access to a specific video, or on a period and subscription basis.

Powerful cross-sale instrument

Offer your additional services, attractions, and events to your customers at any time during booking, pre-arrival or after accommodation. Manage easy allotment and vacancies and take online and offline bookings and payments.

Manage and analyze in real time

Manage your business entirely online by providing your staff with different levels of access. You have real-time information about sales, views, access, etc. You analyze the event as it runs and you create reports after the end.

Select your broadcast location

On an individual page of the event made for you through our website buil der or easily embedded on your own web portal, via URBO Frame, broadcast free on YouTube and Facebook.

Manage content

LiveStream and VOD – for LiveStream or upload video content with different options for access control (lock-for-reward, monthly charge, for specific users, and more).

All real event opportunities

You sell tickets, you give invitations, you ask polls, or you’re actively communicating with Q&A and live chat functionality. Statistics, visualizations, online meetings, conference rooms, video advertising, active offers and suggestions are only part of the opportunities.

Flexible and customized solutions

Personal branding

and design as needed

Virtual POS

and choice of payment methods

Uncompromising security

at every step

Different access levels

for each of your team


e-mail templates

Module Bonus schemes,

discounts and vouchers

Personal support

7 days a week

Include your services

in partner networks

Business Viber Chatbot

urbo studio

Make it easy for your customers to buy
products or services by making orders and
reservations directly on Viber.

Send directly your offers, special promotions, event information or daily and / or special menu.

Engage and target your audience through news, push notifications, ads, etc.

Accept direct payments and send tickets, vouchers or other passes.

Increase visibility and reach a wider
audience with ads, stickers, targeted
messages and offers.

Respond in real time to your subscribers' requests with the necessary information: purchase receipts, reservation / cancellation status, order statuses and others.

A quick and easy way for every business to get its own website, reservation module or marketplace!


Main vision of the site. A vision can be set here (which can be a logo, a picture, a collage, a specific design) of business choice. All buttons here can be changed according to business' requirements. They can be set to lead to specific modules that the customers want.

Website Template

The module provides a set of sub-modules, functionalities and other tools (colors, fonts, etc.) that can be arranged, duplicated and allow the business to create a beautiful and functional site to be used by an event organiser, attraction, cinema, or a different type of activity, course, lesson, etc.

Booking Engine

Text Module - a place for publishing actual information about event organizers and information about the business event itself. Section provides individual formatting, deep links, detailed activity description, etc.

Online Concierge

Text Module - a place for publishing actual information about event organizers and information about the business event itself. Section provides individual formatting, deep referencing, detailed activity description, etc.


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